Now, I use Shaklee’s Basic G. It is a safe and effective alternative to that yucky bleach. Basic G is awesome. It kills far more pathogens than Lysol (Basic G kills 32 pathogens and Lysol kills 8) and it’s effective for 3 days, whereas bleach lasts about 1 hour. It is non-toxic and biodegradable. It is also super concentrated so one quart of this magic stuff will make up to 64 gallons of disinfectant! Can you feel the weight lifting off your wallet? Total money savings! Yahoo!
I use my Basic G on a variety of places in my home. One place that I’m always cleaning is my daughter’s diaper pail. It’s great on garbage cans, toilets, bathroom sinks, the shower or bathtub, kitchen counters (please not around food), door knobs, light switches, and even floors. Some people even use it as a weed killer! (1 gallon of water, 1 tablespoon of Shaklee Basic G, ½ cup of white vinegar)
If you are a Lysol or Clorox wipe fan, Shaklee has the alternative for that as well. The Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes are great for cleaning around the toilet, the kitchen counter, or surfaces in your bathroom. I keep a container of these in my car as well because they are great on the go too.
So, here’s what you do….First, jump off the bleach train and grab a bottle HERE. Once you receive it, just mix just 3/8 of a teaspoon to 16oz of water or 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water for bigger jobs. (Use within 30 days once mixed)
That’s it! So easy and safe! Again, if you want to start to remove the toxic cleaners from your home my suggestion would be getting a Get Clean kit and the Basic G. It’s a great investment for your health and your family’s health.
Have a great weekend!
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